Teaching with inquiry is not a solo endeavor – it requires collaborative efforts of teachers, students, colleagues, and administrators. In this film, we look at one innovative high school in Woodford County, Kentucky that is shifting to inquiry-based instruction. Social studies educators featured in this film show us how inquiry requires a common language of inquiry, trust between teachers and students, and collaboration. In doing so, they help us understand what makes inquiry possible.
Digital Driver’s License – What Makes Inquiry Possible?
The Digital Driver’s License (idrivedigital.com) is a free online platform that enables teachers and students to earn badges or licenses for various topics. As part of the MIP work, professional learning modules were created within the DDL to help districts and schools use the films in their professional learning efforts. If you would like to access these materials for your district, just send an email to gerry.swan@uky.edu to get your district, school, or PLC added to the system and the MIP license activated.
C3 Teachers is a simple idea – bring together educators who are passionate about inquiry and want to know more. C3 Teachers is now a network of thousands of teachers who are accessing and sharing ideas about teaching with inquiry.
For more information on the
Making Inquiry Possible Project, please contact us.